Dev Blog 27: Alpha V0.4 now available!

Yesterday I posted Alpha V0.4, which includes a round of improvements and features relating to LISA's live suggestions, as well as a load of bug-fixes that I won't bore you with.

Originally, LISA was designed to monitor what you type for #tags. If you define a tag, thus:

#Bill: The protagonist of our tale

LISA will then bring that information to your attention whenever you mention Bill (even without a #) while typing. Things get much more interesting when you use @time tags to create a timeline for a #tag:
@7am #Bill: Asleep in bed
@9am #Bill: Eating breakfast
As you expand these timelines, LISA is able to bring to you the most relevant status of Bill based on the time tag of the note you're editing, helping you keep track of your characters over the course of your story.

And there's more! If you provide LISA with a single timed definition of a tag, she'll understand it to be the name of an event - the name of a moment in time, which you can then use. For instance:
@6pm #Party: A lovely party, with wine!
@Party: Bill has slightly too much to drink...

Change the time of the party, and everything tagged as @Party automatically updates.

LISA also propagates times along threads - the links you can create between notes - helping you build up a coherent timeline and maintain the status of all your characters with the minimum of effort.

Alpha V0.4 improves upon all these features, allowing LISA to show multiple relevant notes in chronological order. You can then navigate directly to those notes in your document by clicking on the suggestions, or even drag a copy of that note into the current canvas so that you can make edits without having to lose your place.

The big new feature (thanks to Max Griswald for this idea!) is that LISA can also gather relevant notes based purely on an @time. So if you create a new note and start by typing:

LISA will present you with everything in your document tagged between 2 and 4pm. If you mention a day rather than an hour, LISA grabs everything from that day instead.

Here's the direct link (apologies to anyone who was sent to Ebay by the link-shortener I had used!)

Download A0.4


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