Dev Blog 21: WOOOOOOO

It's late, I'm dizzy-tired, but it bloody works. I've finally got a multi-client build of the app, and it's sweet.

At the moment,  all you have to do is launch another copy of the app and it will automatically connect and synch to other running copies. You're then free to browse and edit any part of the DocTree from each open window.

Next up is copy/paste between windows, plus a bit of tidying up (couple of bugs in the doctree view) and then I can finally, finally put together the next video demonstrating it all. I've wavered back and forth over the past few weeks - should I press on and get this part working, or throw together a short video about DocTree without multi-client or multi-view? I'm really glad I waited, in the end: multi-client makes DocTree ten times more valuable.

But first - bed.


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